Create an instant crackled aged look with this easy to use product.
Apply a base coat of paint to the project surface and let it dry. Once dried, apply a coat of crackle, when the crackle dries to become tacky then apply a single coat of paint over top moving in one direction. For best results apply low heat with a hair dryer to create cracks, the crackling begins immediately. The base coat will show through he crackly coat. For fine cracks, apply a thin layer of crackle. Avoid over-brushing as it will erase the cracks. Let completely dry and then finish with one of the Fusion tinted waxes or top coats.
Crackle Texture
Valentine's Day Sale
All Fusion™ products are non-toxic, lead free, virtually odorless and have no volatile organic compounds (VOC) and contain no ammonia or formaldehyde.